
An Infinity of Ships

Created by Adam STATION

An Infinity of Ships is an expansive toolkit for creating truly unique spaceships for your sci-fi tabletop roleplaying games. Featuring evocative ship illustrations by Rob Turpin (aka thisnorthernboy) and over 100 pages of tables, generators and adventures, this gorgeous hardcover book and accompanying card deck is the perfect resource for spacefaring GMs and players alike.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

October update
4 days ago – Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 05:40:21 PM

Hey folks, quick update for you.

The book

Is getting close to done, and we are on track to have the digital version out to everyone by the end of the year; as I've mentioned in previous updates, the page count has super-nova'd from 100 pages to 150 pages, so it's going to be fit to bursting with wild spaceship goodness. I know it's been a longer journey than we've anticipated, and we truly appreciate you sticking with us!

A reminder that if you have a specific question about your order, please email [email protected] so I can address it directly, thanks.

Survey, addresses, card charging, shipping, UK VAT for books

Thanks to everyone who's filled out surveys, and thanks in advance to those of you who will soon! 

Quick things:

  1. Addresses won't be locked until we get close to actually shipping the books, which will be sometime early next year; so you'll have time to change your address as you need, and we'll send out reminders well in advance
  2. Orders won't be locked for at least another month, so you can make changes as you need; again, you'll get reminders and updates when we are about to lock them
  3. Cards won't be charged until December at the earliest; you'll get a heads up when they are about to be charged, as well
  4. For UK backers, we have credited your accounts for the VAT that had been added for books; because of the way BackerKit works, you'll still see the VAT charge in the same place, but look for a line that says "Complimentary Credit" - that's there to cancel out the VAT for the book(s). (VAT still applies to other physical goods and to the shipping).

10 Sci-fi Films to Know Me

I've gotten kind of obsessed with Letterboxd recently, so I put together this list of 10 sci-fi films that reflect some of the things I love most about the genre, skewed heavily towards a sense of humor, wonder, connection, hope and over-the-top "all-over-the-placeness." Generally, these also reflect the kind of universe I'd most want to live in. I mean, yes, Aliens is great and so is Blade Runner but damn I wouldn't want to spend any time in those worlds.

What are your favorites?

Adam out.

Surveys coming soon!
26 days ago – Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 04:16:24 PM

Just a quick update to let you know that surveys should be coming this week, so keep your eye on your inbox.

Surveys inbound!

You'll be able to use your survey to enter your shipping address, upgrade your pledge if desired, and purchase additional items. 

The survey will first go out to a percentage of random backers as a "smoke test" which well let us know if everything is working correctly, and will then go out to the rest of the backers.

If you get your survey in the next few days, please complete it as soon as possible so we can iron out any issues in the process.

If you used your Apple ID to login to Kickstarter you will need to message us your email address so we can manually send your survey. 

Upgrade pledges?

Lots of backers have asked if they can upgrade their pledge, and the answer is yes! If you wish to upgrade your pledge, just click on "Switch your pledge level" on the first page of your survey:


Any add-ons you purchased during the campaign will automatically be in your cart with your pledge items, but you can get more, of course! 

We have all of the items available during the campaign, as well as some other stuff you might dig...

Music-powered RPGs

Over the past few years we've made a bunch of zines that sample lyrics and song titles from our favorite music to create wild characters, items, factions and spells for sci-fi and fantasy RPGs. Pick these up to spice up your games with some truly off-the-wall stuff.

Spaceship stickers and pins

We also have pins and stickers from the Infinity of Pins campaign, if you like to wear your sci-fi loving heart on your sleeve ... or shirt ... or hat ... or spacesuit.

Space Shuffle!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 03:36:15 PM

Heya folks,

Quick update for ya, read on!


Jamie STATION came down from Baltimore for a long working/jamming session last weekend, and we made tons of progress on the book and card deck. We tightened things up a bunch, re-worked the order to improve the flow and overall usability, got some additional writing done, and worked up a DOPE treatment for the interior cover (can't wait to share it!). Page count is hovering right around 150 pages, and we're feeling the momentum. 

We also got some quality time to talk about our favorite sci-fi of the moment, including the Netflix adaptation of Three Body Problem, the audiobook version of This is How You Lose the Time War, the glorious mindfuck that is the Locked Tomb series (also perfect in audio), and Gareth Powell's Continuance Series (among many more). 

What sci-fi have you been reading/watching/listening to?

Infinity of Ships Radio, Ep. 1 - 4

Did you know that the idea for the book started as a massive Spotify playlist of song titles that I thought would make cool names for spaceships?

In that vein, and because we love music so much and there are SO MANY songs that would make great spaceship names, here are episodes 1 -4 of "Infinity of Ships Radio", four playlists featuring 10 songs that can double as ship names and soundtracks to your space shenanigans. 

Episode 1 - "Work the Flow"

Episode 2 - "Let Me Be Great"

Episode 3 - "Think Twice, One Hundred Ways"

Episode 4 - "Reach for the Dead"

More episodes to come, let us know what we should add to the playlists!

Remember, remember, the ship of Shiptember

Oh hey, it's Shiptember again!

We've been posting ships from the book on our Instagram account and you should definitely also follow the main Shiptember account to get a daily dose of awesome spaceship magic.

(here's one of our posts)

Adam STATION out.

Ship Happens
2 months ago – Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 11:21:51 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

STATUS REPORT: Digital Progress, Analog Delay
5 months ago – Sat, Jun 08, 2024 at 08:59:00 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.